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August 19th, 2007 Setlist & Reviews
Concert Setlist
Credit: Nick/"SJN1279" of New Jersey
1) All Over You
2) The River
3) Selling The Drama
4) Mirror Song
5) Where Do We Go From Here?
6) They Stood Up For Love
7) I Walk The Line [Johnny Cash]
8) Wings
9) The Dolphin's Cry
10) Sofia
11) I Alone
12) Heaven
13) Lakini's Juice

14) The Beauty Of Gray
15) Shit Towne
16) Pain Lies On The Riverside
17) Lightning Crashes
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Review by Kelly Maude Leung of Massapequa Park, New York
Well this is my 12th LIVE show and it was an adventure to say the least. Brookhaven is an open air venue and it rained pretty much through the entire show - the opening act - Alternate Route (I think) - were good but obviously the weather did not get many in early - Collective Soul was good - better than when I saw them in NYC at the last show - the musicians are great - Ed the lead singer was very gracious - though the new Hollywood song just kept me singing "Sugar - Honey Honey" from the Archies - but they were very considerate to the fans and though there were sound issues - gave a good performance - though if he mentioned August 28th as the album date one more time my row would have cried mutiny - the crowd was a bit odd - considering how many people stayed out in 3 hours of rain - they just didn't move much - so different then a GA show where the people up front want to interact - LIVE came on and there were some sound issues and you could tell Eddie K was not a happy camper - but they got past it - once the sound was correct they rocked out- but I am sure the damp weather and standstill crowd didn't help - and many left after the first 5-6 songs and they really tend to get into gear right after that - I was about 5 rows back and jumping and dancing my butt off - I am 39 and watching all the young kids just standing - seemed strange - I know they thought I was crazy but I am there to have a great time - I think alot of the crowd only knew a few songs so that always complicates things. From the setlists I saw recently they added Beauty of Gray, Pain and Shit Towne - there is an 11 pm curview which made it all end too soon - highlights for me were Walk The Line (though again how the crowd couldn't appreciate it I do not understand) - Pain Lies on the Riverside - and of course Lakini's Juice - but since in the first 10 rows only about 6 of us - were "riding" along with the guys it was a shame. I would love for them to put SHOW back in - I think that is a damn near perfect sexy song and I missed Voodoo Lady - but there is only so much time - I will say that they really didn't cut it short which was great - and I can't wait to head to Camden next - I will say they did not thank either Collective Soul or the opening act and I always think that should happen - but maybe next time - hope they come around again soon.
Review by Nick/"SJN1279" of New Jersey
The show was amazing. Ed had no voice issues that I could see and the energy the band put forth was stellar. There were sound issues that really annoyed Ed during the first 5 songs, but I couldn't tell what was wrong with my non-musical ear. I actually never saw Ed as angry as I did at the beginning of this concert.

I brought two Live virgins to this concert and they had an amazing time. Personal favorites from the newbies were Where Do We Go from Here and I Walk the Line. Also, the female in my group loved Ed taking his shirt off for those keeping score.

It was really confusing to get to the venue, but the place was really nice once I found it. The crowd was enthusiatic for Live and the band in turn put on a great performance. Ed also thanked us all sticking it out in the rain to see the band. There were a lot of people at the show and it was nice to see such a big crowd for Live.
Review by Deb Dixon
I noticed at times that something was off cause his vocals through the speakers sounded funny. I was at the Nokia Show in June too and saw the very same thing.

I was one of many who stood in front when the reserved seating show turned out to be more of a General Admin show. Was it the same for CS?I didn't go down to my seats cause I got there late.Never again will I go see a show in Nowheresville by myself. I had a horrible experience trying to get back to my hotel. However it was worth it when I was able to get closer pics then I ever have had before.Great show once again and hearing Pain Lies On The Riverside again was the high point. I noticed the abscense of Dance With You Iris and Mystery. Wish I was going to the Lakewood show.
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