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August 4rd, 2007 Setlist & Reviews
Concert Setlist
1) All Over You
2) The River
3) Selling The Drama
4) Mirror Song
4) Where Do We Go From Here?
5) They Stood Up For Love
6) I Walk The Line [Johnny Cash]
7) Wings
8) The Dolphin's Cry
9) I Alone
11) Heaven
12) Lightning Crashes
13) Lakini's Juice
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Review by Joe Garrison of Indianapolis, Indiana
Ok so, from where I was sitting. Collective Soul's lead singer was stoned/drunk out of his mind. When he took his glasses off it was the scariest drugged out eyes I have ever seen. Counting Crows were terribly boring...even some of there long time die hard fans didn't even want to stay until the end. Counting Crows lead singer didn't even sing most of his songs, possibly because he has one of the worst voices in rock music, he just talked through them...and could they possibly have dragged those songs on for any longer.

Live stole the show. They were highly energetic and Ed Kowalczyk still has one of the most powerful and unique voices in the last 20 years of rock music.

The best part of Collective Soul was when Rowland stopped doing his Mick Jaggar dance impressions to call out a couple of idiots in the audience for fighting.

Live was by far the most talented and impressive band of the night. no question.
Review by Scott of Zionsville, Indiana
1) Collective Soul was great fun. The band seemed to enjoy being there and really won the crowd over with a non-musical moment: the lead singer broke up a fight in the audience exactly the way any good dad would... by telling them to "cut that ***t out RIGHT NOW! I mean it." Then he asked security to let the combatants stay, as long as they stayed seperate.

2) If Live seemed out of place, it was only because they seemed to treat the show like a show, rather than a trip down memory lane. The singer and players sounded terrific and moved with the energy of headliners. I guess the intensity could have put the above reviewer off, but to us it seemed a welcome departure from the headliners...

3) ...Counting Crows, who sounded great until Adam Duritz insisted on showing the audience just how bored he is with his own original arrangements. While it must indeed get dull to sing the same songs the same way for 15 years, it would have been nice if he'd at least treat the fans to a straight version of at least ONE of the band's big hits. Pander to us a bit, please. Sorry. I guess I wanted to sing along with Long December or Mr. Jones or Rain King or... something. Instead we mainly got a weird spoken-word-meets-improv-meets -drunken-ramble.
Review by Steve/"PurdueSteve" of New Albany, Indiana
Collective Soul was OK. These 3 bands are labeled "90's Bands" and it appears that +Live+ and Counting Crows have moved out of the 90's. Ed Roland from Collective Soul haven't. He was sporting the super tight jeans and the Guns-N-Roses-esque stage personality. However, he DID have a lot of energy and the band played well. During the show a fight broke out in the crowd and Ed Roland yelled "Hey cut that shit out right now, we don't do that shit here". He then mediated the fight by asking the guys if they were cool and if it was over. Lastly he said "Assholes, interrupting my show". I thought he handled that kinda cool. He didn't want them thrown out, he just wanted them to stop fighting.

I watched Collective Soul from the stands.

+Live+ came on exactly on time and performed the exact same set as the night before in Louisville. However they had lots more energy and the crowd was way more responsive. [probably because they weren't all stuck in the stands] Ed's voice sounded a lot better than the night before as well. During Selling the Drama, CT and Pat were playfully BSing with each other on stage over what appeared to be a slight disagreement on whether or not CT should take up temporary residence on Pat's side of the stage. Pat then walked over to CT's side and manned his guitar effects pedal during his solo. I've seen them do this before and I thought it was pretty cool. Pat sung on Where Do We Go From Here which was rare. Ed was full of smiles and enthusiasm. Walk the line kicked 10 kinds of ass as always with CT stomping and then holding his guitar in the air at the end of each solo section. All in all it was a great 60 minute set.

After Live's set I rendezvoused with some other +Live+ fans to go back stage for a Meet-N-greet. This was going to be a friend of mine's first chance to meet the band. There was also a younger looking guy that had some flowers he was giving to the band. We waited for about 15 minutes then they came to take us backstage. We walked down the path that the tour crew used to transport the equipment and they had all of +Live's equipment to the side. I then saw Adam Duritz coming my way and I stuck my hand out and said "hey whats up Adam" He didn't acknowledge me at all. I had heard from people before that he wasn't the most friendly person, which kind of sucks because I really like Counting Crows and their music. I'm now tainted with this guy blowing me off as if I didn't exist as he walked past me.

When we caught up to where +Live+ was it appeared that they had just finished signing a guitar from someone. There were only about 10 of us so I was excited because it seemed like it was going to be a great meet-n-greet since there were such small numbers. It was all diehard fans too, there didn't appear to be any radio station call ins or other people that didn't care to be there. They guys were still in their sweaty stage clothes [and yes Ed was still shirtless] so they quickly ducked away to the tour bus that we were standing in front of. We figured they were changing and cleaning up. After about 15 minutes we saw them sneak out from behind the tour bus and they hopped in a van and began to take off. A couple of us told the kid with the flowers to just stand in front of us and sort of get in the way of the van. He did and the van stopped. Ed opened the side door and took the flowers from the kid and shook his hand or whatever. Then off they were. Bill [Tour manager] chatted with us for a little while, and told us that they were going home and wanted to get there ASAP because they had been touring so much. We all understand. They have a 10 day break and I totally understand them wanting to get home ASAP. My girlfriend took this opportunity to let Bill know how frustrated she and I was with the Louisville show. Bill told us that he and the band felt like the Indianapolis show was significantly better and that they didn't know about the field restriction in Louisville. I said that's why the shows were different, all the fans were stuck in the stands.

My friend was kind of bummed because he had saw Ed and Adam in the mall earlier that day, and Ed said "Hey nice shirt". He was wearing a V album cover Tee. He didn't bother approaching Ed and asking for an autograph because he had passes and thought he was going to meet him that night.

After that we went back to the concert and watched the remaining hour or so from the Crow's performance. I don't know who thinks they suck in concert cause they rock. They put on a good show, of course I think +Live+ is better, CC is a great show nonetheless.
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