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July 8th, 2007 Setlist & Review
Concert Setlist
Credit: "Hoodstock" of Michigan
1) The Dam At Otter Creek
2) The Dolphin's Cry
3) The River
4) Mirror Song
5) Selling The Drama
6) Where Do We Go From Here?
7) They Stood Up For Love
8) I Walk The Line [Johnny Cash]
9) Voodoo Lady
10) Wings
11) Lakini's Juice
12) I Alone

13) Heaven
14) All Over You
15) Sofia
16) Lightning Crashes
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Review by "Hoodstock" of Michigan
This show was not a sellout. It was strange since the pavillion was about 50% full but the lawn was completely packed. I went to this show having never heard of Big Head Todd and the Monsters. After hearing them play I was truely impressed. I wasn't familiar with any of the songs but they sounded good, had good beats, and put on a good show. They were fun to watch. Collective Soul, on the other hand, was a completely different story. I went into the concert expecting them to put on a good show and was highly disappointed. They rank among the bottom half of live acts I have seen. Despite a few recognizable songs, the band was not impressive. The bass, lead, and rythm guitar players literally stood in the exact same spots for the entire concert. The lead singer is just about the weirdest lead I have ever seen. His odd body motions put him somewhere between a wierdo and a jackass. He also complained at one point about how he could not talk since his band was on strict time limitations. The crowd, with the exception of a few Collective Soul diehards, were not into the show. Almost everyone was on their ass. At one point, when the singer was trying to get the crowd into it, he realized they were not and actually had to go into the crowd to get participation. Although it sounds like a cool rock moment it was more of a complete act of despiration. The highlight of the act was the final song, Shine. Overall, the band was more laughable than rock. As for Live, the show got off to a slow start. For the first three songs the sound was not mixed well and the band just sounded like noise. At one point Ed went to start a song and his guitar didn't even work. He made a joke which lightened the mood until it did.
After the sound was cleared up the show started to rock. A majority of the pavilion stood the entire time, completely unlike Collective Soul. Highlights of the show were Selling the Drama and The Stood Up For Love. They lost the crowd with Mirror Song and Voodoo Lady. After VooDoo Lady they owned the event. The best part of the show was the entire encore, where the band just rocked. They were by far the best band of the evening, followed by Big Head Todd and the Monsters. This is one of the better shows I have seen from them in the past few years.
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