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March 24rd, 2007 Setlist & Reviews
Concert Setlist
1) Mystery
2) Love Shines
3) All Over You
4) The Dolphin's Cry
5) Rattlesnake
6) Mirror Song
7) I Walk The Line [Johnny Cash]
8) Sofia
9) Selling The Drama
10) The River
11) Wings
12) They Stood Up For Love
13) Heaven

14) Lakini's Juice
15) Voodoo Lady
16) Run To The Water
17) I Alone

18) Lightning Crashes
19) White, Discussion
20) Dance With You
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Review by Mercury46 of Chicago, Illinois
Great show, bad crowd. My one complaint about the show was their choice of opener (Mystery). I like Mystery, but I'd have liked to have gotten off the ground with something like All Over You or Lakini's Juice. Ed sounded right on tonight. The crowd was lame.. I was in the front of the balcony, and felt like I was one of the few people standing. Even the folks on the floor who were front and center seemed less into it than usual. They finally started to come around for the second encore..... Pretty heavy on the new stuff.. didn't play anything off of V (i don't think, anyway.. correct me if I'm wrong) The Distance was well-represented. played Rattlesnake, which was cool.
Review by Kace
The crowd was totally lame! We stood towards the front and were behind a group who obviously were part of a meet-and-greet (or something) because they had wrist bands on. They just stood there the whole time!! (and the couple who were slow dancing/groping during "Dance with You" needed to be thrown out!) The band was great, despite the fact that they left us twidling our thumbs between songs. Ed said they forgot their setlist, so kept heading back towards Chad G. to check what was next. Pat and Ed seemed to be in an escpecially goofy mood.
Review by Brett
Last night was my 16th time seeing Live and I thought it was one of their best shows ever. Without a doubt Live loves Chicago! Being in the balcony doesn't give you a true perspective as being on the floor. There are 3 tiers and from the balcony you can only see the first. And complaining about a couple in front of you during a song doesn't sum up the whole crowd. The crowd sang along to songs, went crazy during Lakinis Juice and plenty of others, applauded after songs, and whatever else a good crowd does during a show so I thought I'd put my two cents in about that. And I was down on the left side of the stage by the speakers and could scan the whole crowd and the front of the balcony. maybe somebody else can back me up about the crowd. And the wristbands are for proving you are 21. The after show passes were purple stickers that were 8 sided and had the bands pic on it along with the date of the show. I know because me and my girlfriend had them. It was a great night and the guys in the band thought so to.
Review by Steve/"PurdueSteve" of New Albany, Indiana
It was my first Live show so my opinion might not be warranted enough since I cannot compare it to other shows. I think Ed sounded fantastic. His vocals were powerful and he was able to hit his high notes well. I didn't take and pics of the concert because I just wanted to watch uninterrupted and simply absorb. I had some meet-n-greet passes and just sat on the front row of the balcony watching. I live in Louisville, been working in Tennessee and drove to Chicago this weekend for the show. 1200 miles in 5 day. For those that were at the meet-n-greet I was the idiot with the acoustic guitar. In which I'm really inspired by Live to play and I wanted my guitar to be blessed by them. It might make me sound better . I won't be framing it or anything like that, I'm going to continue to use it for my small gigs!! A quick little interesting story for Chad T. fans, when I walked near him he was signing a womans chest. When he was done, I showed him my guitar and said it's not a boob but it's the next best thing, he took the guitar from me and said. "Ya know, A guitar is built from the soul/essence of a woman." He then held my guitar up to a womans body and compared the curves of the acoustic to the curves of a woman, looked at me and said "See what I mean", smiled, shook my hand and then we chatted for a little bit. All in all it was a great first time experience for me, to not only see them in concert but to meet them too. I was sort of surprised by Ed's incredibly soft-spokenness.
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